"The ability to truly connect with your teachers is something I really love about SHS. I can't name a teacher who has not left a valuable impact on me. Each one of my teachers has taught me so much about life, myself, and the way the world works; it's never just been about the subject they teach. Making connections with my teachers in all of my classes has taken my learning to the next level and makes me excited about going to school, and I think this is something you can only find within a community like the one created at SHS."
-Abigail Chatelle
Class of 2024
Abigail Chatelle
Elementary School: Hope Elementary School
Post-High School Plans: I'll be attending the University of Rhode Island as a Ryan Scholar in the fall. I will study Health Sciences/Public Health and Spanish on a premed track.
Dream Job: I hope to become a physician in some capacity. I'm not exactly sure which subspecialty I'd like to pursue, but Interventional Radiology and Orthopedic Surgery are two I am currently very interested in. Both of these would allow me to diagnose and treat patients every day and improve lives, rather than solely save them. I think this is awesome because as a physician in one of these roles, you can change a person's life for the better and allow them to return to doing the things they love, pain-free!
Who was your favorite teacher or staff member during your time at SHS?: It's so hard to choose! Mrs. Lennon, Mr. Bagley, Ms. Grundt, Ms. Collins, Mrs. Roberge, and Mr. Wentworth all come to mind. Each one of them has played a pivotal role in my academic career and taught me so much, both in and outside of the classroom. I wouldn't have had the success in high school that I did without each of these individuals. Mrs. Lennon was my guidance counselor during my junior year. Between academics and surgery on my knee, she supported me no matter what, and I appreciate her so much. I had Mr. Bagley for AP English Language in my junior year, and he was another person who provided me with a space I grew so much in. I learned so much about myself and my characteristics in his class and because of him. I had Ms. Grundt for the first time this year in AP U.S. Government and Politics. At the beginning of the year, I knew nothing about our government and how it works, but Ms. Grundt was so patient and supportive throughout the year as I learned more about the topic. She also took the time to ask me how I was and check in on the college application process. The office to her door is always open, and I appreciate her words of wisdom and kindness so much. I had Ms. Collins during my sophomore year for Algebra 2. She always pushed me to do better but reminded me that academics aren'teverything. Her class made me think about the kind of student I want to be, and I have grown so much since then. Even though I haven't had her as a teacher for 2 years, I know I can always stop in her room to catch up on life or get a quick math question answered! I've gotten to learn in Mrs. Roberge and Mr. Wentworth's classes many times since my freshman year, and I am so thankful for their support both in and outside of the classroom since then. Each year, we attend HOSA's International Leadership Conference together, and I'm so lucky to have them both as mentors in my life.
What was your favorite class you took during your time at SHS?: It's so hard to choose just one. AP English Language and Composition, Spanish IV EEP, and AP U.S. Government and Politics were all classes I loved. Mr. Bagley taught AP Lang. I loved being able to explore fun topics and write about the things that interested me in his class. Taking it also improved my writing tremendously, which was so helpful throughout the college application process. I took Spanish IV with Señora Langlais. Before this, I had no intention of continuing to learn Spanish after graduating high school. After learning from Señora and observing her knowledge of the language, I realized being fluent in Spanish is something I will find helpful throughout my future career. I loved getting to learn in Señora Langlais' class and am so thankful for the opportunity to take my knowledge of the language to the next level. I think part of the reason I enjoyed AP Lang and Spanish IV so much was because I was able to improve my ability to communicate with others because of them. AP Gov is another one of my favorites at Scituate. Learning about the wayour government works and the ins and outs of politics was so interesting to me, and something I didn't expect to love so much. Because I took this class, I think I am a much more well-rounded person, and am thinking about minoring in Political Science.
What advice would you give to next year’s ninth-grade students?: Take advantage of every opportunity available to you! You can do so many different things throughout your four years as a Spartan, so take advantage of everything! From joining different clubs to sports teams to being a class officer, the leadership positions, and the people I surrounded myself with taught me so much about the person I am and who I want to be. You can meet so many amazing people and learn so many great things by putting yourself out there, so I would do that from the start!
What makes SHS special?: The ability to truly connect with your teachers is something I love about SHS. I can't name a teacher who has not left a valuable impact on me. Each one of my teachers has taught me so much about life, myself, and the way the world works; it's never just been about the subject they teach. Making connections with my teachers in all of my classes has taken my learning to the next level and makes me excited about going to school, and I think this is something you can only find within a community like the one created at SHS.
What will you miss the most about SHS? : I will miss the close friendships I've made with my classmates and teachers here. The small class sizes at SHS allowed me to form strong relationships with so many people, and I loved getting to learn alongside/ from such amazing people that I can truly call my friends. I'll miss the atmosphere of SHS so much; from our close-knit community to the school spirit felt by all students, being a spartan was an amazingexperience and I would not trade it for the world.