"Scituate High School is so special because it is filled with so many genuine people. From faculty to students, there is not a single Spartan you can not count on. We support each other, we push each other to be better, and we always show spartan pride."
-Maura Pendergast
Class of 2024
Maura Pendergast
Elementary School: Clayville Elementary School
Post-High School Plans: I plan to attend the University of Tampa on a Pre-law track studying Business and Political Science.
Dream Job: My dream job is wherever and whatever I can do to help others. As of right now, I plan to go the distance and become a lawyer. However, any profession where I can provide to others to better themselves will make me happy!
Who was your favorite teacher or staff member during your time at SHS?: My favorite staff member was Mr. Casey. From guidance counselor to coach, he proved to be my biggest fan in so many ways. He supported me and guided me to become the best version of myself for the past 4 years. I am thankful to have been able to have him in my life.
What was your favorite class you took during your time at SHS?: My favorite class during my time at Scituate High School has to be Advanced Portfolio Studio Honors with Ms. Feldman. Her classroom environment, my classmates, and having her as a teacher make it my favorite class to walk into every day.
What advice would you give to next year’s ninth-grade students?: Get involved and take pride in your school. Enjoy your time as a Spartan, it will go by quicker than you think. Join sports teams, join clubs, join the student body- do everything you possibly can to get involved and better yourself and your community.
What makes SHS special?: Scituate High School is so special because it is filled with so many genuine people. From faculty to students, there is not a single Spartan you can not count on. We support each other, we push each other to be better, and we always show spartan Pride.
What will you miss the most about SHS? : I am going to miss my supportive teachers and administrators the most. They have all been amazing individuals who have shown me unwavering support along the way. There is not a single staff member who does not love or care about their students, and their dedication to us does not go unnoticed!